posted ago by LordKekingtonEsquire ago by LordKekingtonEsquire +20 / -0

I was just thinking about this the other day. Regarding E. Palestine, the train derailments, the barge accident on the Ohio River, etc.

Not too long before that, "Ohio" was trending on the net as a meme-tier pejorative. It was very strange because I hadn't seen anyone saying that up until recently, say within the last 6 months or so. It may have been around a bit longer but I didn't notice it until then. Anyway, my brain is going crazy with all the interdasting coincidences and other crazy habbenings as of late, I just wonder, is this another way to get people to accept such things as "oh well,it's just Ohio"? Am I looking to into something that's not there? I really don't believe in "coincidences" so to me it seems there's something else at play. But what do you Frens think?