posted ago by EyesWideShutN0M0r3 ago by EyesWideShutN0M0r3 +17 / -0

Bare with me on this I know this is a little long but....

So I have been keeping up with everything going on and trying to watch the sideline as well. Trump released a video asking for money from only those who could afford to help him. What did I hear? Let me put this in a form that all should be able to understand easily using baseball terminology.

We are in the second half of the ninth inning. Score is 7 us 10 them and we are up to bat. Bases are loaded, we have 2 strikes and the pitcher just threw us our 3rd foul ball. The odds feel like they are completely against us but we have faith that God will have his angels at our backs. Then here comes the pitch, straight down the middle and coming in with a heat we can feel. We close our eyes and swing with everything we have and with the crack of the bat we realize that not only did the wood break with pieces flying but that with everything we had we sent the ball out of the park.

I honestly think we are so close to this and we will win with God's grace. For those who know nothing of baseball terminology but are religious......

We are in the eleventh hour and Satan is prancing on the sideline waiting to grab us as we stumble past.

I am ready for this fight, but know not what to do, honestly, but I am screaming, "Put me in coach, I'm ready".

I have thought all day, what can I do, so I want to challenge everyone that voted for Trump or wishes that they voted for him to do one thing and maybe this will be a way to make our voices heard or at least be a spit in the faces of the cabal/elites/pedos and whoever else we wish we could kick in the balls right now.

Trump asked for people to give but only if they could afford it. I am going to straight out ask, donate $1.00. Dig through your car, your couch, heck walk down the street and collect pennies. If every person that voted for Trump donated $1.00, can you imagine. Then if those who can afford more can donate more then great but just imagine $1.00 per vote. That is more money than they would ever expect.

So I want to start the dollar challenge for Trump and see where it goes. God bless all you patriots out there and prayers that once we round the bases the game will be won and then we can finally relax with a hotdog and a slice of apple pie.