posted ago by ThinQ ago by ThinQ +49 / -0

The last time I saw him this mad (IMHO) was after they shot a missile at his plane and he subsequently showed up for a meeting with some religious/Catholic (?) folks, I believe. Trump may be brash at times, but he's far from a fly-off-the-handle, screaming kind of man. When he talks low-key and measured, almost talking through his teeth, as he did tonight (again, IMO), fury right below the surface, that's when you know his adversaries have stepped over the line. The remaining DS minions are in the danger zone now whether they realize it or not.

If I had to guess, I'd say either he'd already warned them not to screw with him like this and/or they tried to harm him or one of his family members again. He'll keep a lid on it, no doubt, and stick with the plan, but... There will be no mercy when the time comes. This lion is going to tear these jackals to pieces. IMHO




Christopher Walken -- The Lion Speech. . .
