About 10 years ago, I read a new book by Patrick Wood called something like Technocracy Rising. If I remember correctly, it posited that what we call new world order today, started with the Trilateral Commission, which was co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller.
This was about 50 years ago. These creeps are patient. Perhaps we should learn some of their methods to get us back to normal again?
Yes. And Kissinger. There is something afoot, something that enables them to cultivate this patience. Many of the people that we view as "Elites" are themselves servants to nameless power brokers even higher up. There is something that they do that gives them the psychic persistence in their mission, that enables them to keep the longest game in mind, here, to truly understand that they are working a centuries long game, and it's got to be really creepy. Wish I understood it more.
When you have eternal fallen spirits in you directing a plan of undermining God's divinity I guess you have the patience of eternity. The good news is, God already has the Victory and these are just the death throws of the enemy.
About 10 years ago, I read a new book by Patrick Wood called something like Technocracy Rising. If I remember correctly, it posited that what we call new world order today, started with the Trilateral Commission, which was co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller.
This was about 50 years ago. These creeps are patient. Perhaps we should learn some of their methods to get us back to normal again?
Yes. And Kissinger. There is something afoot, something that enables them to cultivate this patience. Many of the people that we view as "Elites" are themselves servants to nameless power brokers even higher up. There is something that they do that gives them the psychic persistence in their mission, that enables them to keep the longest game in mind, here, to truly understand that they are working a centuries long game, and it's got to be really creepy. Wish I understood it more.
When you have eternal fallen spirits in you directing a plan of undermining God's divinity I guess you have the patience of eternity. The good news is, God already has the Victory and these are just the death throws of the enemy.