I can't prove this with science, but it's just something I believe. When we are born, either male or female, our bodies and brains are suited for only one type of hormone... estrogen for females, testosterone for males. Every cell in our bodies (I believe) are attuned somehow to the specific hormone designed for our bodies. If that is so -- and I strongly think it is -- if you start introducing "foreign" hormones into bodies that were not designed for it, you are courting disaster. It's like putting pure unleaded gasoline into a diesel engine... or substituting salt in a recipe for sugar...they look alike, but...
I suspect that in future years, once modern medicine has been salvaged from the evil people that hold it now, this might become standard knowledge.
The help they need is psychiatric help to correct their mental illness.
I can't prove this with science, but it's just something I believe. When we are born, either male or female, our bodies and brains are suited for only one type of hormone... estrogen for females, testosterone for males. Every cell in our bodies (I believe) are attuned somehow to the specific hormone designed for our bodies. If that is so -- and I strongly think it is -- if you start introducing "foreign" hormones into bodies that were not designed for it, you are courting disaster. It's like putting pure unleaded gasoline into a diesel engine... or substituting salt in a recipe for sugar...they look alike, but...
I suspect that in future years, once modern medicine has been salvaged from the evil people that hold it now, this might become standard knowledge.
There are a minority of people who are born "intersex." However, it is a small percentage.
I refuse to believe that. It's all about the chromosomes, they don't lie.