This is the typical “baffle them with bullshit” strategy that pro-vaccine people attempt to gaslight you with.
On the one hand, they insist that their vaccines are safe, because they have safety monitoring systems in place…
But on the other hand, they dismiss every VAERS report as just an anecdotal coincidence thats completely unrelated to vaccines.
Its clear that VAERS reports are NOT being taken seriously, because if they were, the COVID vaccines would have been pulled off the market already.
While COVID vaccines might not necessarily cause all, or any, of these so-called “Adverse Events of Special Interest” (AESI)…
The list of AESI was compiled based on what they learned from other vaccines, and the AESI list is what they were (supposedly) keeping a watch for.
So the AESI list should be considered a somewhat exhaustive and definitive list of all the problems that vaccines have caused throught history.
This fact-check is absolute bullshit.
They take the small kernal of uncertainty, and extrapolate it into a full-fledged denial that any vaccine causes any problem whatsoever.
For example, if you get a vaccine, and 12 hours later you have a high fever, theres a pretty good chance the vaccine caused the fever.
Is it theoretically possible the fever was caused by something else?
Is it theoretically possible that out of 100 reports of high fever, not a single fever was caused by a vaccine?
Highly unlikely.