looked at it briefly, sounds interesting! will read soon/been meaning to research Ben Franklin. seem to recall one of his comments about freemasons/both sides, but can't remember details.
I thought maybe that it was a typo by OP. So I went to the link and right there it says 1736 and 1739.
In the first letter from 1736 Franklin "writes":
I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration.
George Washington was born in 1732. He would have been 4 years old.
In the 1739 letter Franklin "writes":
I feel that if you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution...
This is 37 years before the Revolution. In 1739 there wasnt even a dream of a United States.
This is fuckery. Dont buy it. It is made so that we look like fools and antisemites with easily debunked "facts". There is an international zionist/Khazarian cabal but this "letter" proves nothing.
looked at it briefly, sounds interesting! will read soon/been meaning to research Ben Franklin. seem to recall one of his comments about freemasons/both sides, but can't remember details.
Im hijacking this top response.
I thought maybe that it was a typo by OP. So I went to the link and right there it says 1736 and 1739.
In the first letter from 1736 Franklin "writes":
George Washington was born in 1732. He would have been 4 years old.
In the 1739 letter Franklin "writes":
This is 37 years before the Revolution. In 1739 there wasnt even a dream of a United States.
This is fuckery. Dont buy it. It is made so that we look like fools and antisemites with easily debunked "facts". There is an international zionist/Khazarian cabal but this "letter" proves nothing.
OP you should be ashamed.
Thank you! I was here to say this. This complete post is BS nonsense. Also, nobody referred to "Palestine" that way in the 18th century