sueanon2017 6 points ago +6 / -0

Q has to 'show' everyone how foolish they've been.

so we won't get what we 'want'...

we'll get what we 'need'

And I think that means we have to bottom out first, and then rebuild.

can't have a 'new world' on a crappy foundation.


sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

wow! can't imagine the logistics for such a rally, anyone that makes to the front is dedicated!😎🇺🇸

sueanon2017 4 points ago +4 / -0

AND DJT just happens to be having his Huge Madison Square Garden rally on Q's Birthday Eve!🎉...

sueanon2017 3 points ago +3 / -0

had this^ 'idea' several times today...

they will try to arrest him, like they've done to others who promote peace.

isn't that what they do in 'communist' countries??

and Q has to 'show' everyone...

sueanon2017 4 points ago +4 / -0

President Trump will be at Madison Square Garden on Q's Birthday Eve🎉

that's where Marilyn Monroe sang her famous Happy Birthday song to President Kennedy...🤔


sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

sure. We are the 'cattle'.

that's how the enemy refers to us deplorables, we're something to manipulate and take advantage of, like they do to the farm animals.

from the Q drops-


an anon says;

ive watched as society has been effectively addicted to msm, apps, social media, games, music, all propaganda and the moment you try to open anyone eyes. you. are. shunned. being dumbed down, weakened and groomed for passivity and stupidity through food and their addictions. like calf literally being fattened for a slaughter.

Q replies;

Dear Patriot. We hear you. We hear all Americans such as yourself. The time has come to take back our great land. The time is now. Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World. Find peace. God is with us. God bless and be safe. -The WH


the 'enemy' has a huge disdain for cattle...hence all the slaughter, blood, etc.

(many religions appreciate the abundance of cows, 'they' do not)

look up the history of slaughterhouses/who is behind it.

of course there's also the bodies hanging from meat hooks picture, but I can't remember which drop that was...


Many Q hints on this site. George Washington was a farmer that appreciated and took care of his animals, he was a proper steward.

https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/farming/washington-s-dairy- operations

GW was definitely part of the original rendition of Q🐸 17 foot statue of GW... https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/freemasonry/the-george-washington-masonic-national-memorial

his vision for Americans...we're to be free. not cattle for their consumption.


"Under their vine and fig tree" is a phrase quoted in the Hebrew Scriptures in three different places: Micah 4:4, 1 Kings 4:25, and Zechariah 3:10.1 George Washington used this phrase multiple times in correspondence throughout his life, and one can find Washington reference it almost fifty times.2 Of the three passages, it is most likely that he was citing Micah 4:4 in his writings.3 The section states: "but they shall all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid…."4

The phrase refers to the independence of the peasant farmer who is freed from military oppression.5 In the biblical passage there is a juxtaposition of the simple life with that of royalty or the state.6 Thus, it would seem that Washington's use of "vine and fig tree" in its full context would be an appropriate message in the setting of the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes, I guess it does. that makes it even more nefarious😠

sueanon2017 3 points ago +4 / -1

not really sure, but guessing it's to make us weak? and that's why we should drink raw milk.

there's also an underlying 'cow' theme with Q...

sueanon2017 3 points ago +3 / -0

since I doubt everything...had to look it up on Amazon. here's the description;

Get the straight story on surviving and thriving in the delightful land of a thousand lakes, and most importantly, learn how to catch and keep that special lady. "How to Marry a Finnish Girl" is a must-have for anyone considering a trip up North. Inside you'll learn: how to chat up a Finnish girl; how to identify a Finn on holiday; how to build your own house like a real Finnish man; why toddlers speak Finnish better than you - and more! Phil Schwarzmann is an American living in Finland, where he works for a large Finnish mobile phone manufacturer, authors the popular blog "Finland for Thought", and performs stand-up comedy. He is generally considered a nice guy. This is his first book.

he already sounds like a creep, and the cover image leaves no doubt. looks like a 'how to' for gang rape...

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

find out the seating capacity of the venue. the smaller the venue, the earlier you would want to get there.

if the weather is nice, people could be waiting in line all night, so we usually drive by the evening before to check out the crowd.

also, make sure you know exactly which door the line starts at. have seen many people waste time by waiting in the wrong area.

don't bring anything extra. it's a pain to haul things back and forth to the vehicle.

sueanon2017 2 points ago +3 / -1

yes, it's a MOVIE.

And Q said it's a 'scripted movie'

and WHs are 'in control'

so much of it is fake, CGI, etc. and Biden is one of Q's 'great actors'.

not that hard to spot once you look through old interviews, etc.

plus it's Logical.

Only thing that explains all the foolishness...

there's at least 3 Q clues in this video, extremely obvious;


And this one; WHY would JB be the one to inform us about Naked Senators🤔...


sueanon2017 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I agree, except I think it's the 'real' Biden.

he was BFF with JFK's brother for 40 years, and spent a lot of time with the Kennedy family.

would be different if JFK didn't play such an important role in Q's movie, but he's one of the key characters. and JB just happens to be close to his brother🤔

plus, his foolishness Helps DJT. I think JB is a jester bringing down the 'old guard'

sueanon2017 11 points ago +11 / -0

yep^ is my guess, that it was the same group led by Herbert Kersten

(watch 'Dark Clouds Over Elberton')

Mr. Kersten was from Iowa, and was able to get the GG built without giving away his identity.

Mr. Kersten also served in the Army during WWII

he ran a 1000 bed hospital in Tokyo...

sueanon2017 3 points ago +3 / -0

44% still believe in getting the booster.

I don't think we're finished yet:(

a lot of people STILL don't understand.

AND what's going on with the people that are around after so many boosters? while others had trouble with the first shot...

sueanon2017 5 points ago +5 / -0

good one, and Q said the 'choice to know' & 'those who know can't sleep'...

know = gnosis

Those with gnosis can reach/know God, because they have the spark of God😇

Bots wouldn't 'know themselves' because they Don't have the divine spark...

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure what I think of this^

but I do know that JFK Jr.'s prophetic February 1997 George Magazine talked about nanotechnology...it's the edition with Bill Gates & a future lung attacking virus.

I would provide the link, but Archive.org isn't working👽🤖

sueanon2017 3 points ago +3 / -0

agree, I love the sound! And it's one of the reasons I think Bill Barr is a WH, he appreciates the sound too...

moar bagpipes at 1:30🐸


sueanon2017 3 points ago +3 / -0

yes, we haven't been told the truth. the Sioux said there were people here before them...with red hair🥳

and the mound builders...mounds Everywhere in the Midwest.

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's all symbolic. to let us know just how big this is, and how far back it goes.

lots of gold & arches in this movie. maybe that's why he still eats McDonald's...🥸🤔

remember 'keystone'...the stone that holds an 'arch' together.

sueanon2017 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes, definitely a group and not a 'he'

I tune out whenever someone uses that word for Q...

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes^ thanks for reminding me!

It's another Saint Brendan connection☘️

they say He was the one who discovered America, NOT Columbus...🤔

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