Wealth redistribution, by definition, is the forceful taking of property of he who has honestly acquired it and giving it to he who has not, while keeping a big cut for the tyrants who committed the crime.
A currency, in and of itself, is not wealth distribution. It is simply a means of exchange.
Only when someone steps in with a gun and takes it from he who honestly owns it, does it become wealth redistribution.
But that is the action of the forcible taking, and not the currency itself, that is the distribution (which is a verb, not a noun).
Wealth redistribution, by definition, is the forceful taking of property of he who has honestly acquired it and giving it to he who has not, while keeping a big cut for the tyrants who committed the crime.
A currency, in and of itself, is not wealth distribution. It is simply a means of exchange.
Only when someone steps in with a gun and takes it from he who honestly owns it, does it become wealth redistribution.
But that is the action of the forcible taking, and not the currency itself, that is the distribution (which is a verb, not a noun).
Lmao okay. And what nations have the largest GDPs in the world.
Then look at their stance on crypto LMAO
Sorry. Not stolen. You idiots are giving your money away. I cashed out 2 years ago