My wife and I have talked about homeschooling our daughter. She is finishing kindergarten now. Currently goes to a private Christian school that we do like and is doing extremely well.
At first my wife was against it cause she thought she wouldn’t be able to do it and all of the typical negative thinking for it. Now she is really wanting to do it and is researching all different homeschool curriculums. My question is in regards to curriculums. Is there an actual beat curriculum? Is it a pick and choose from different ones? Is it a “don’t worry too much about curriculum” and more if a self pacing? I’ve just seen so many things about different approaches.
So if any out there that have homeschooled or are currently doing so could just give different pointers or tips for a family that is wanting to do it, I would greatly appreciate it.
I personally did an eclectic pick and choose from different aspects of education. I had a wonderful phonics program because reading is essential to learning in every area of study. I also liked Saxon Math because it was so I can't speak to comprehensive programs but I know that many people I know did some of the Christian programs and their children did well also.
There are some great books on learning styles that might interest you. I had a daughter that did not read until she was 10. This could only happen if you home school. She entered public school in the 6th grade, was a straight A student and went on to earn a Master's degree. When she started reading...she caught up to her grade level in no time...although she always had to work harder than my other kids.
One thing to consider is that we all spend a lifetime learning and so the greatest tools you can give your children is the desire to learn and then the tools to learn (reading skills and vocabulary). After that...there is NOTHING that cannot be learned. While I think the formal part of education is important, I believe that the spiritual and character aspects are equally important. We always read copiously.
The love of learning is the greatest gift you can give your children....but I will is so important to get in a support group and have plenty of other home school families that you are in touch with...we always had lots of church friends and home school it seemed perfectly normal to "be different"...
God bless your decision to home school...I believe it is God's desire that children be educated by their that the children carry on the beliefs and values that the parents hold dear...God bless you and yours....