My wife and I have talked about homeschooling our daughter. She is finishing kindergarten now. Currently goes to a private Christian school that we do like and is doing extremely well.
At first my wife was against it cause she thought she wouldn’t be able to do it and all of the typical negative thinking for it. Now she is really wanting to do it and is researching all different homeschool curriculums. My question is in regards to curriculums. Is there an actual beat curriculum? Is it a pick and choose from different ones? Is it a “don’t worry too much about curriculum” and more if a self pacing? I’ve just seen so many things about different approaches.
So if any out there that have homeschooled or are currently doing so could just give different pointers or tips for a family that is wanting to do it, I would greatly appreciate it.
We are in our 3rd year homeschooling...we started kindergarten at the start of school mask mandates/covid so we were somewhat forced into it.
I was very apprehensive of it and I did not like our kindergarten year or the program suggested by homeschooling family members.
For 1st grade (and still mask mandates) I researched for hours and hours all the different schools, we decided on bjupress. (Bob Jones university) It set us up with a full christian curriculum. Video lessons, textbooks and workbooks. (they have other options too) I personally needed the structure provided.
Maybe as I get better at this stuff I will venture off Into using multiple sources for different subjects. I did have to spend a few hours watching veteran bju moms on YouTube for ideas on organizing everything. Hope this helps.