posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +210 / -0

The WHO declared that anti-vaccine people are a threat to global health,

But how are they a threat?

They are a threat because they share “vaccine misinformation” that undermines the pro-vaccine narratives.

And who gets to decide whats “misinformation”?

The pro-vaccine people, of course!

And what is “misinformation”?

Anything an anti-vaxxer says is misinformation, even if its true!

If you share your own personal (bad) experience with vaccines, thats considered misinformation. not because its not true, but because it might give other people the wrong idea about vaccines being safe and effective. because your “anecdotal” experience is irrelevant in the face of (pro-vaccine) “studies” which as far as i can tell are completely made-up to get the results their sponsors expect.