It's funny. Beer is the issue waking up normies.
Not stolen elections. Not killer vaccines. Not the men in women's sports. Not the take over of school districts by those with agendas. Not the drag queen kid shows. Not even the killing of innocents.
Putting that fuck head on beer seems to be the cultural tipping point. It's waking up normies like no other around the world and especially in this country.
Thank you Dylan. White hat, black hat, I don't care. You being on a beer can seems to be the push too far that seems to be righting this ship.
A picture of a fake woman on a beer can is the precipice? lol....Do these woke companies have any clue whom their customer base is? WTF did they think was gonna happen? You know who enjoying this situation? The Coors brewing company. They are getting ready to stamp king of beers on all their cans now that Bud has taken the queen.
Just saw this post that has a different take on Coors..
In my opinion, there may be someone exerting pressure on these companies to adopt a "woke" stance as a way of waking up and provoking people into action. Essentially, these companies are being compelled to take actions that they were already considering, but now at a much faster pace. Previously, they may have been planning to implement these changes gradually, in a way that would not be immediately noticeable to the public. This would have allowed the changes to become normalized over time.