I am reposting a response I made in another thread and expanding it. People don't appreciate what it would mean to "go to a gold standard" per H.R.2435. The idea is that it doesn't matter how much money there is, they can set the ratio of gold to dollar at whatever they want. "However much there is in present day dollars. It doesn't matter."
That's the first problem, so let's look at that:
How Much Is Gold Worth
According to the official narrative, there are about 8,133 metric tons of gold in U.S. reserves. I doubt that is true, I think it has been mostly moved into private bankers hands, but we'll go with it. There are 32,150 troy oz. per metric ton. That means there are, in reserve:
8133 metric tons times 32150 troy oz/metric ton ~ 261 million troy oz.
As for the total money that exists, the official number (not that I trust it, but we'll go with it) is between 40 trillion (narrow money), 90 trillion (broad money) or 1.3 quadrillion (derivatives, investments, etc.). With the amount of naked short selling, I wouldn't be surprised if you could double or triple that, so upwards of 4 quadrillion.
Putting this into perspective, we get one U.S. gold backed dollar is equal to:
- narrow money: 6.5e-6 oz
- broad money: 2.91e-6 oz
- derivatives: 2.01e-7 oz
- short sales: 6.5e-8 oz
These numbers don't mean much, so let me try to put it into something that makes a little more sense. Here is a picture of 1g of gold. It's not the best picture since it doesn't show the whole hand, but it shows that it isn't very much. Carrying that around, it would be pretty darn easy to lose it. But let me give you an idea of what one U.S. gold backed dollar would look like:
- narrow money: 1/5000 of a gram
- broad money: 1/11,000 of a gram
- derivatives: 1/160,000 of a gram
- short sales: 1/500,000 of a gram
Even with narrow money, think about dividing that gram picture into 5000 parts, then try to find it in your pocket. With short sales, divide it into half a million parts. It's almost easier to start measuring dollars in atoms of gold.
That 1g sells for about $130. This suggests it should be worth between $5000 and $500,000 if we were to move to a "gold standard" as things stand today.
For reference, that translates to between $150,000 and $15,000,000 per troy oz in today's money.
Now on to the next problem. The dollars that exist aren't money, they are debt. If we go to a "gold standard" there will still be all the debt, and the interest on that debt, that belongs to Megabank. If we move to a "gold standard," all that debt either needs to be paid off, or needs to be wiped out. But where does all the money reside?
Where's The Money
If we just look at narrow money (bank accounts, bank notes, etc.) that's the stuff that people have "on hand" (not really, because it's mostly in the fractional reserve shenanigans, but close enough). But who has the most money in bank accounts? According to this, the median bank account in America (in 2019) was about $5000, and the average was $42,000. That is a HUGE discrepancy, which means that the people with all the money have far more than the average person. The people with all the money are, in general, the Aristocracy AKA the Cabal. If we use the median this amounts to about $1.7 trillion (5000 times 330M people in America). Most of the rest of that $40T of narrow money lies in the hands of the very rich.
However, if we look at derivatives (not to mention naked short selling money) ALL of that money is in the hands of Megacorp.
So no matter how you divide it, as things stand today, the gold goes into the hands of the same people that rule the world right now.
Paying Off The Debt
If we don't wipe out all debt, then all those debts need to be paid off. But money is debt. Money comes to be when a debt is created. That's what "printing" money means. A loan is taken out, in one column a credit is given. This is money. In the other column a debt is created.
Money = Debt
BUT, that's not what really happens. A debt is paid back at interest.
Money + Interest = Debt
So all the DEBT in the world is equal to all the money PLUS all of the interest it has accrued, i.e. there is more debt than there is money. The debt can't be paid off. So all of that gold will eventually end up in the hands of the PTB, PLUS we will remain debt slaves forever.
With the current financial system, no matter how you slice it, all the power remains exactly where it is if we move into a "gold standard."
The system must fail. There is no other choice.
I think ownership of those loans will just transfer into the new financial system. I just don't believe people will get free houses out of this.
I don't think you appreciate what a "loan" is. It is funny money. It has no existence other than that. It is also a "loan" (a creation of nothing from nothing) from the Bank who's only purpose is to transfer assets from We The People to the PTB.
Also, Banks (and their loans) are 100% owned by the Cabal. Every single one of them. In fact, thinking of there being more than one bank has nothing to do with reality. There is only one Bank in the world (Megabank).
I suggest that anyone who thinks that things will just continue as they have been under new management doesn't appreciate the depth of the fuckery. There is no one to pay off the loan to, and nothing is owed, because it's a "loan" of nothingness. The entire concept of all parts of it has no meaning. Both a loan, and "money," are nothing but asset transfer vehicles. There is nothing there.
You understand the conundrum though? I bought a house. I didn't pay for that house. Someone else did. Then I agreed to pay them back with interest for the use of their money. If things occur as you say, do I then get a free house? As nice as that would be, you know we can't sustain society if such expensive things are just handed out.
Do you know why houses are so expensive? They didn't used to be. For most of human existence you could either build your own house (free), get friends to help you build your house (social obligation, we'll call it "cheap") or, in a more urban, modern area using money (19th century New England e.g.) on the order of 1 to 2 years of wages (depending on the year and quality of house and what your job was). One to two years wages, and there were no income taxes and no inflation, so savings held all its value. And that's in places like New York, or Boston, etc. for a brand new custom house (the stuff I've found data on).
There was no such thing as a "mortgage." There was no such thing as a 30-year loan, and no one would conceive of such a thing. You would work, save up, and buy a house. Done. No payments, etc. At some point they introduced the 5-year loan to encourage people to come work in their factories. Then they decided there were too many people, so they started increasing the price on homes. How did "they" decide that? Well, they owned everything. It was trivial. They just increased all the prices. They introduced "housing codes" into the law system they had created, which increased costs substantially (most of which make houses worse and fall apart sooner, like the "vapor barrier" scam). They manipulated tax codes, interest rates, etc., all to make it harder for a person or a family to buy a home, which made it harder for them to have kids, which reduced the population in their eugenic/Malthusian effort.
A house costs as much as it does, and house loans exist because they want to control the size of the population, and keep the population in debt. That's pretty much it.
If you read the link I provided, it will be the beginning of my report. This information on housing will be coming out in the next installment. But even if all of that were not true, how does your scenario harm anyone? Is "not paying off your home when everyone else has to" fair? Of course it's not fair. The concept of fair has been used to lead us around by the nose for millennia. "Fair" is a lie, a tool, that is purposefully exploited by the PTB to cause division and angst, to create the changes in society that they desire. It is a fraud.
Society will adjust just fine to housing costing so little that anyone can buy it, or in mortgages becoming a thing of the past. On the list of things that are going to cause distress when people find out the truth about our reality, your protest of "it's not fair" is pretty much a zero on the ohshitometer.
Once people understand that money, debt, loans, interest, etc. are all purposefully designed to transfer assets from the plebs to the PTB, once they really get what has been going on, the vampirism, the price and social manipulation to guide purchases one way or another, etc., I suggest your scenario won't even be the slightest concern by anyone.