News stories about Fauci and the vaxx from as far back as they go.
All data on the economic, emotional, educational and health harm caused by the lockdowns.
The malaprops, gaffs and downright treasonous statements by various politicians.
4.Data From VAERS and Real Not Rare for Vaxx Stats, as well as MSM Stories pushing the vaxx and promoting them becoming a requirement for work.
The data hidden concerning what happened in COVID Vaxx animal trials.
The radical push for transitioning children, in [progressively] worse ways.
All the mass shooter stories and the cry for 'gun control', along with
a. the practical silence when a good guy with a gun stops shooter cold.
b. the stories that actually acknowledged big Pharma's role in creating mental illness.
c. the utter hypocrisy of the Biden administration when there was a shooting at a Christian school
News stories about Fauci and the vaxx from as far back as they go.
All data on the economic, emotional, educational and health harm caused by the lockdowns.
The malaprops, gaffs and downright treasonous statements by various politicians.
4.Data From VAERS and Real Not Rare for Vaxx Stats, as well as MSM Stories pushing the vaxx and promoting them becoming a requirement for work.
The data hidden concerning what happened in COVID Vaxx animal trials.
The radical push for transitioning children, in [progressively] worse ways.
All the mass shooter stories and the cry for 'gun control', along with a. the practical silence when a good guy with a gun stops shooter cold. b. the stories that actually acknowledged big Pharma's role in creating mental illness. c. the utter hypocrisy of the Biden administration when there was a shooting at a Christian school