Personal Truth:
Crusades were NOT caused by some personal truth, but a geopolitical hack-game used to land the RCC more money and self preservation. See also the Albigensian crusade.
Political truth is a lie.
Objective truth. established by science. ...ok. This is one other variation on determinism with approximation.
Interestingly, by coloration Neil is simply fucking over the meaning of truth to make it self-serving. It is in my view telling this need to start clothing science in terms devoid of scientific meaning.
Hypothesis and theory work quite good. Truth. Not so much.
Funding through peer-review. And who controls peer-review? Example the treatment of the Drosten-paper and the paper that totally blew it out of the water. Still the drosten paper counts and attracts funding. By Whom? By the Agenda-pushers.
But that is what you get with a "consensus scientist". (oxymoron).
Personal Truth:
Crusades were NOT caused by some personal truth, but a geopolitical hack-game used to land the RCC more money and self preservation. See also the Albigensian crusade.
Political truth is a lie.
Objective truth. established by science. ...ok. This is one other variation on determinism with approximation.
Interestingly, by coloration Neil is simply fucking over the meaning of truth to make it self-serving. It is in my view telling this need to start clothing science in terms devoid of scientific meaning.
Hypothesis and theory work quite good. Truth. Not so much.
Funding through peer-review. And who controls peer-review? Example the treatment of the Drosten-paper and the paper that totally blew it out of the water. Still the drosten paper counts and attracts funding. By Whom? By the Agenda-pushers.
But that is what you get with a "consensus scientist". (oxymoron).
HT to Del!