Blood Cultures of Unvaccinated Blood Shows Extensive (CDB) Filament Development After 2 Weeks Incubation- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD ...
Image 1: Unvaccinated live blood analysis Subject 1 - prior to incubation at room temperature for 2 weeks This is the next set of results in Clifford’s and my effort to answer the question: What happened to humanities blood? We are conducting different exp...
It would be good to know if the unvaccinated blood was from someone who had previously been infected by Covid, and what medications they had taken.
...or if the subject has had intercourse with anyone who took the $hot.
Dr. Carnicom's site where there is more info on the experiments....
look for more information on the experiments on Dr. Carnicom's site....this was just a newsletter that gave an overview of the info.