Heavenly Father we love you so much. We come before you today in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior, our King, our best friend Jesus Christ. Father as we begin to celebrate Christ risen from death, we ask that you will give each of us a deeper understanding of what that truly means. Let us grow deeper in love, understanding, wisdom for who Christ is and what he did on that cross. Give each of us patient as we sit with our families, many of whom are not fully awake to the truth of the world. Help us to not seek to have political discussions, rather let us focus solely on Christ and who he is, what he did, and what he allows us to become. Thank you for all you do for us each and every day. We give you our whole soul+mind+body. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen.
Join us daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est
And the light ALWAYS comes...
One of the most beautiful Haiku I have ever read...thank you for sharing that...