If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then (#1) the Seal Was Broken
We don t spend much time talking about the seal that was placed upon the tomb, but I think it is significant. Here is the historical record: The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and...
Most of history relies on single sources. So?
First, the Bible is a series of books. The four gospels were written by four different men with different background.
Second, there are multiple other books that refer to these same events, thus confirming the basic truth of the gospels.
The life of Jesus is found in many more original sources than Caesar's campaign in Britain. Most of Caesar comes from what Caesar supposedly wrote. Side note: His writings are in such simple language, that sections of his writings are used in first year Latin classes. It was simple enough that I could read the Latin and translate orally at the same time.
So the Summerian cuneiform tablets should be taken into consideration. They talk about Enki creating man, Alamo, in the garden of eden. They talk about the flood. They talk about Enki returning when Nibiru comes near earth in its orbit.
The tablets might be an older physical text, but not necessarily an older story. My copy of Shakespeare is from the 1800s, but that doesn't prove the text isn't much older. Not all history was written down at first. For example, a lot of Irish and Welsh history was passed along orally for centuries before it was written down. And many of the oldest books have disappeared, leaving us with newer copies, which most historians claim aren't so just because the copies we have aren't the old copies. It's not logical.