Frens, it is with a heavy heart i write this post. On Friday my fathers health went south. I have been by his bedside and will remain their until his passing. I ask for your prayers, that he might pass in peace. After this post this account will not be logged in again. I will always be lurking, but the internet world is not where i need to be.
I would like to give a testimony and i hope anyone out there reading this hears these words and seeks Jesus. He is waiting for YOU!
On Thursday night i had the privilege of ministering to a broken man whos name i would love to tell you but do not wish to put an identity at risk. Until 2 am this man questioned everything about faith and Gods Word. I do not know if i was able to reach his heart or not, but i do know that he certainly touched mine and helped me to truly solidify my faith in Jesus as unwavering.
As i drove home at 2am that night i almost hit a deer standing in the middle of the road. After stopping in time and continueing on, i had a deer run full blast into the side of my vehicle. Needles to say it startled me hard.
Then Friday my father i think had a stroke, a heart attack and likely a other things that will not be known. He did not want to go to the hospital and i had given my word that i would not stop it. As my father laid in bed moaning in pain my heart screamed out to read to him. I started reading The Gospel Of John. As i got about a chapter and a half in, my father began throwing up pure blood.
It was at this point i made the decision to bring him to the Er. He is here only for comfort meds and will go home on hospice or pass here. Every fiber of my being believes that Satan is testing me, trying with all his might to get me to be angry, get me to fall and walk away from God. That wont be happening, he instead has showed me how deeply i believe and how deeply i love Jesus. I am going to lose my dad soon and i accept that. My heart is aching, my eyes are sore, my body is tired from sleeping in this uncomfortable chair. I am humble and gracious before our Father. I am ready.
Jesus is with you all. He is my strength in this hour, He is my guidance in this hour, He is EVERYTHING and
God bless this community, God bless our country, and God bless all of you digital warriors who work diligently to fight for what is right. You are all heroes in my book.
Peace be with all of you,
In Christ Jesus
Blessings and peace to you and the soul of your father, in Christ Jesus' name, amen