Here's a data point for ya. The Chinese aircraft carrier central to those Easter weekend drills was the Shandong 17. Named so because she launched in 2017.
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and if they built it with the crap steel we see here we could sink it with a slingshot lol....
They export their garbage. US oligarchs peddle it around the world and make bank...
I for one do not believe the hype of the superiority of the Chinese military. We would take out their entire Navy in the first morning of a war.
There is a Sun Tzu level at play here. We seem weak when I think we are stronger than it appears.
we are a ball screw and actuation system manufacturer we make military , commercial, nuclear reactor and missile system parts. One of our buyers figured he was going to save a buck and buy Chinese steel...I never saw so many failures and rejections ever complete that didn't go well cost twice what he thought he would save and then some....I wouldn't put much stock in the quality of the Chinese most all the products we get here they don't last long...their aircraft are not so hot either......