The sick depravity of this world is crushing. Are every single one of them gays, pedos, trans? Seeing this has made my faith stronger as there must be a force of good purity when such evil exists.
Edit: wow I didn’t look here all day because of work and family stuff and come back to see the mods stickied my post! Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
The news about the Dali Lama picture with his tongue out and apologizing is what made me post this. I wasn’t sure it was true but not only did I see the picture but he also admitted it was true.
I agree with her, I was asleep while raising my kids because that's all I had time for. I didn't watch much tv at all, except for maybe at night before going to bed, didn't watch the news at all. I let my husband tell me if I needed to worry about something, because my plate was full caring for 3 children and doing everything for our family except have a job, couldn't afford to put the kids in daycare. If I worked, all my pay plus more just to put them in daycare, so we decided the best thing to do was for me to stay at home. Who's better than a mom to raise their own kids? And we have never lived near relatives to help us with babysitting either, if our kids couldn't go somewhere (Christmas party, movies ...) we didn't go. Heck we've been together/married for over 35 yrs, we've never even had a honeymoon or vacation by ourselves yet. Well, now it's who's gonna watch our pups, lol. They are like our kids.
I use to be a little embarrassed when someone would ask me what I did for a living or where I worked, like as if I was supposed to work & take care of my family.
Our kids were years apart, so when one started school, I still had one or two at home, up until the youngest went to school. Now they are all grown (oldest mid 30's, middle child low 30's & youngest mid 20's) and now I have mobility & balance issues that would make it difficult for me to work, which I feel guilty about because my husband even though retired had to go back to work to support us. I can't even clean house like I used to do or cook like I used to everyday. Have to put blinders on because I use to keep our house spotless, can't do that anymore and feel bad.
But yeah, I didn't think about anything other than my kids, husband & house back then. Didn't start looking for answers until Trump lost, but I think he helped me wake up slowly once he became President because my daughter was just out of high school and had more time to notice more. I was so shocked & pissed when msm says he lost to basement dweller joe, it got me searching for truth.
You got to live the life that billions have dreamed of. Amazing. Your children, and grandchildren are so lucky you had such a miracle.
I am glad and very fortunate that I was able to stay at home and raise my children. Everything going on in our lives at the time made it the only option. Husband was in military when kids were toddlers, then afterwards his job was almost same with regards to hours and out of town time. In military his work was unpredictable and could be called up for out of country deployments (which he was deployed a number of times) which left only me to care for them as we were always very far from family to help babysit. When he left active duty, his job was very demanding and hours could be unpredictable also, with out of town trips lasting anywhere from a few days to a month. So with that and not affording daycare, was what made us decide for me to be a stay at home mom/wife. Bonus was that I raised my kids and not some daycare stranger.
Several times I've overheard mothers say- in front of their children!- that they could never home school because they CAN'T STAND THEIR CHILDREN. Cringe.
Good for her Sircats! Wise woman!