Let's be clear. These companies are moving in these directions because they are being forced and bullied to make these "diversity" decisions because of EGG and the Corporate Equity Scoring pushed by Blackrock. Most of the board members could really care less but they are being coerced and pressured by the radicals. These scores can affect a corporations bottom line in all manner of operations.
Corporations are not totally innocent here because in the name of trying to comply with some of this insanity, they have kneeled down to the pressure and allowed these lunatics into their organizations. It will now have to be up to the consumer to fight back against this in a huge and profit stripping way to hopefully shake some of them into reality.
As far as the trans movement itself, this is at its core a page out of the playbook of totalitarianism. I don't care what you call it or the particulars used. The end result is the same. They force the Orwellian 2 + 2 = 5 outcome to make a people doubt their own critical assessment of their reality. A servant class is then created that must look to their overlords to give them their reality and tell them what to think. This is the destruction of order and common sense we see being attempted around us. Stand strong is knowing the answer. The emperor is naked and not a woman.
Let's be clear. These companies are moving in these directions because they are being forced and bullied to make these "diversity" decisions because of EGG and the Corporate Equity Scoring pushed by Blackrock. Most of the board members could really care less but they are being coerced and pressured by the radicals. These scores can affect a corporations bottom line in all manner of operations.
Corporations are not totally innocent here because in the name of trying to comply with some of this insanity, they have kneeled down to the pressure and allowed these lunatics into their organizations. It will now have to be up to the consumer to fight back against this in a huge and profit stripping way to hopefully shake some of them into reality.
As far as the trans movement itself, this is at its core a page out of the playbook of totalitarianism. I don't care what you call it or the particulars used. The end result is the same. They force the Orwellian 2 + 2 = 5 outcome to make a people doubt their own critical assessment of their reality. A servant class is then created that must look to their overlords to give them their reality and tell them what to think. This is the destruction of order and common sense we see being attempted around us. Stand strong is knowing the answer. The emperor is naked and not a woman.