Crimes against children will unite humanity.
💥 "FOX-3" 💥
You know what to do memers. We are the news. We may be censored for sharing truth, but the facts are that this Dali Lama thing is waking normies. So instead of just sharing pedo arrests on Gaw it’s time to take it all mainstream. Go back and start from the beginning. Let’s make it trend and force people to wake up and unite. We have the power. We are the news. We are the majority. We win. God wins!
Or they killed the person. I know it sounds crazy but when they go on about people like Michelle McNamara, Patton Oswalt's now deceased wife, and make a somewhat average person out to be some kind of superhero, I figure something isn't right. I can't explain it. I get very suspicious of the over the top fanfare. Like there's a "look here not there" sleight of hand going on. I get the same feeling for Prince, Robin Williams, John Ritter and Kate Spade. Obviously they were more famous, but the non-stop adoration from some of the usual suspects, unsettling.