The IMF is merely a vehicle to tax world citizens without firing a shot. The funny thing about this - I watched Ana Kasparian on Young Turks getting dangerously close to realizing this during a discussion last year when the Biden puppet lost the presidential election in Colombia in favor of an open socialist. Man did she cope hard to avoid the obvious. I think she will red pill herself by years end on the trajectory she’s currently traveling.
Here is the IMF blueprint in simple form:
Reach out to 3rd world and/or countries in turmoil
Offer large sums of cash for “infrastructure” and/or “social spending” and sell it as “humanitarian assistance” or whatever nice sounding buzz word fits. Of course, at confiscatory rates of usury.
Pay under the table large sums - preferably 8-9 figures - to the country’s president and 7-8 figures to his underlings to bribe him into accepting these loans.
Know that said president will be retiring to a 20 million mansion in _________ tropical beach resort by the time the economic effects of paying people to not work kick in.
Insist on austerity measures from the next administration to deal with the predictable shit economy that follows
collect ursury paid for by the general public tax revenues of that country - the people who didn’t agree to take that loan, couldn’t stop it, but are stuck with the bill; and now have increased taxes from said “austerity” measures.
enjoy a lack of serious competition in virtually any industry from that country because the economy there is a train wreck.
The IMF is merely a vehicle to tax world citizens without firing a shot. The funny thing about this - I watched Ana Kasparian on Young Turks getting dangerously close to realizing this during a discussion last year when the Biden puppet lost the presidential election in Colombia in favor of an open socialist. Man did she cope hard to avoid the obvious. I think she will red pill herself by years end on the trajectory she’s currently traveling.
Here is the IMF blueprint in simple form: