Give government the ability to ban drugs and one day they just might ban the ones you want to take! Likewise they might turn the logic of being able to tell you that you cannot consume something into them being able to tell you that you must consume something, sort of like vaccines! Constitutionally they have no right to do either, they use Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the constitution to regulate commerce "among the several states" to justify it, which by no means affords authority to prohibit someone from possessing and consuming any substances of any kind. Even the grounds they justify the banning of substances on is pathetic!
The reasons the government doesn’t do anything about the fentanyl: 1). The government is part of the trafficking and they take a cut, 2) fentanyl finances other projects they wish to hide from the citizens, 3). Fentanyl facilitates population control. Population control is multi faceted: drug trafficking and overdosing, birth control and abortion, pharmaceuticals and vaccines (including the Covid shot), chem trails, human trafficking and killing, gang killings and illegal immigrant killings, hospitals using strategies that they know will end life (remdesevir and ventilators, euthanasia and hospice, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), adulteration of crops with weed killers/fertilizers,, adulteration of meat and poultry with mRNA shots to animals, adulteration of milk, water pollution with fluoride and heavy metals, air pollution via train derailments/toxic spills, endless wars killing/maiming our strongest and bravest. Our government is not to be trusted. It is out of control and not working in our interests and health.
Pure evil. That is what we are dealing with. I cannot wait for the demons to be eradicated.
I wish I could give this one a thousand upvotes.
Give government the ability to ban drugs and one day they just might ban the ones you want to take! Likewise they might turn the logic of being able to tell you that you cannot consume something into them being able to tell you that you must consume something, sort of like vaccines! Constitutionally they have no right to do either, they use Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the constitution to regulate commerce "among the several states" to justify it, which by no means affords authority to prohibit someone from possessing and consuming any substances of any kind. Even the grounds they justify the banning of substances on is pathetic!
The reasons the government doesn’t do anything about the fentanyl: 1). The government is part of the trafficking and they take a cut, 2) fentanyl finances other projects they wish to hide from the citizens, 3). Fentanyl facilitates population control. Population control is multi faceted: drug trafficking and overdosing, birth control and abortion, pharmaceuticals and vaccines (including the Covid shot), chem trails, human trafficking and killing, gang killings and illegal immigrant killings, hospitals using strategies that they know will end life (remdesevir and ventilators, euthanasia and hospice, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), adulteration of crops with weed killers/fertilizers,, adulteration of meat and poultry with mRNA shots to animals, adulteration of milk, water pollution with fluoride and heavy metals, air pollution via train derailments/toxic spills, endless wars killing/maiming our strongest and bravest. Our government is not to be trusted. It is out of control and not working in our interests and health.