I use to watch it but I quickly realized the characters were just awful people and it kind of soured me on the show. It's a big reason I never developed a TV watching habit once I outgrew cartoons.
In defense of the show, there were about four seasons where it was some of the sharpest writing on TV. An entire episode where the characters are lost in a parking garage because they can’t remember the code color of the column they parked next to? That’s clever. The show was also pushing back on PC culture and left-wing bullshit a lot. The Bubble Boy episode. All the submissive New York liberals bowing their heads to the Soup Nazi. Kramer refusing to wear the AIDS ribbon.
Seinfeld himself was also one of the only stand-up comedians in the ‘90s who refused to swear in his act, or work blue (dirty). As we now see the degeneracy Hollywood is pushing, I think it’s commendable when anyone refuses to follow that herd mentality. I would guess Seinfeld had plenty of people telling him he would never succeed in that business unless he started saying “fuck” and telling jokes about his dick.
I use to watch it but I quickly realized the characters were just awful people and it kind of soured me on the show. It's a big reason I never developed a TV watching habit once I outgrew cartoons.
In defense of the show, there were about four seasons where it was some of the sharpest writing on TV. An entire episode where the characters are lost in a parking garage because they can’t remember the code color of the column they parked next to? That’s clever. The show was also pushing back on PC culture and left-wing bullshit a lot. The Bubble Boy episode. All the submissive New York liberals bowing their heads to the Soup Nazi. Kramer refusing to wear the AIDS ribbon.
Seinfeld himself was also one of the only stand-up comedians in the ‘90s who refused to swear in his act, or work blue (dirty). As we now see the degeneracy Hollywood is pushing, I think it’s commendable when anyone refuses to follow that herd mentality. I would guess Seinfeld had plenty of people telling him he would never succeed in that business unless he started saying “fuck” and telling jokes about his dick.
But puddy does joe's voice on family guy
Puddy was one of my favorites. His, "You got a question, you ask the 8 ball” is a riot.