You are hitting the nail on the head. We want more CO2, not less. Always do the opposite of what the democrats are pushing. The democrats have only been right one time in history. That was the crusades against cigarette smoke. But they only did it because big tobacco was giving big bucks to the Republicans.
You are hitting the nail on the head. We want more CO2, not less. Always do the opposite of what the democrats are pushing. The democrats have only been right one time in history. That was the crusades against cigarette smoke. But they only did it because big tobacco was giving big bucks to the Republicans.
Still not sure there aren't good reasons to smoke
WHY ELSE would they claim that smoking one cigarette per day is as dangerous as an entire pack?
Could it be that the American tendency to do things to excess may be part of the issue.
Perhaps cigarettes are safe if consumed responsibly. Moderation in everything...
Just muh thots
Sauce for my post:,(POCD)%20%5B79%5D.,cortical%20excitability%20in%20nonsmoking%20subjects.,be%20protective%20against%20COVID%2D19.
Just a few proofs for the downvoting-ass bitches crying bc MuH CiGgYs aRe AlL bAd