posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +12 / -0

An FBI informant inside the Catholic Church, to keep tabs on all those Latin Mass aficionados? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/04/an_fbi_informant_inside_the_catholic_church_to_keep_tabs_on_all_those_latin_mass_aficionados.html

"... it was more than a policy paper; it was an anti-Catholic operation that was advanced pretty far along, complete with the recruiting of at least one informant. Who the heck was this informant for this illegal act, how'd they find this character, how did the FBI make the recruitment pitch, and how much taxpayer money was the informant paid? Meanwhile, the leftists dominating the Catholic Church itself have been attempting to stamp out the Latin Mass, too — so why was the FBI trying to uselessly duplicate its efforts? Or was it a government-private "partnership" here? Those seem like valid questions for Jordan to ask as his subpoena brings Wray back to testify under oath. ..."