428 "ATF IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL" - Missouri county declares ATF “unconstitutional,” says it will refuse to cooperate with agency’s inquiry… over zoning issue *****WE ARE AT WAR***** (nationalzero.com) - N C S W I C - posted 1 year ago by Acts2 1 year ago by Acts2 +429 / -1 Missouri county declares ATF "unconstitutional," says it will refuse to cooperate with agency's inquiry... over zoning issue - N... The Camden County (Missouri) commissioners took a bold stand, asserting the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is “unconstitutional” and declaring it will refuse to cooperate with the agency on any of its investigations, which in t... 74 comments share 74 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They should stop saying “we won’t cooperate” and start saying “we won’t let that happen!” Why do we the people have to defend our rights, when states, local as well are paid good money to defend us from this. Guess that’s wishful thinking.