If they announce Blumenthals retirement I am all in that they be ded, ded, ded as doornails. Executed after trial by tribunal. Atm I only deeply suspect it.
There is so much bubbling below the surface that we are unaware of. This war in the clandestine realm has gone hot. We see some occasional sparks or smell the cordite but we are largely unaware.
Im getting closer and closer to believing that the head of the snake is being actively chopped off, out of public view for now. That the absurdity we see every day is moving more and more to the realization that there is an agenda by government, business, academic and religious leaders to depopulate and enslave. And this is accelerating even though a lot wont speak of it for the sake of expediency.
Sometime in the next year or so we are going to see full disclosure to include those that have already been tried and executed as traitors and for crimes against humanity. They will activate the EBS through Starlink and inform the public how they will now dispose of the drones who supported this death cult.
The evidence out there for this scenario is overwhelming if you only look.
Wouldnt it be hilarious if it turned out that people like Fulford and Sorcha were right all along. Id piss my pants laughing. And you know what? That would fit perfectly with this movie we are watching. It is farce after all, isnt it?
If they announce Blumenthals retirement I am all in that they be ded, ded, ded as doornails. Executed after trial by tribunal. Atm I only deeply suspect it.
There is so much bubbling below the surface that we are unaware of. This war in the clandestine realm has gone hot. We see some occasional sparks or smell the cordite but we are largely unaware.
Im getting closer and closer to believing that the head of the snake is being actively chopped off, out of public view for now. That the absurdity we see every day is moving more and more to the realization that there is an agenda by government, business, academic and religious leaders to depopulate and enslave. And this is accelerating even though a lot wont speak of it for the sake of expediency.
Sometime in the next year or so we are going to see full disclosure to include those that have already been tried and executed as traitors and for crimes against humanity. They will activate the EBS through Starlink and inform the public how they will now dispose of the drones who supported this death cult.
The evidence out there for this scenario is overwhelming if you only look.
100% spot on with that analysis...👌👍
Wouldnt it be hilarious if it turned out that people like Fulford and Sorcha were right all along. Id piss my pants laughing. And you know what? That would fit perfectly with this movie we are watching. It is farce after all, isnt it?