Somewhat self doxing post. I was born in Washington DC some 75 years ago. My father was a high level bureaucrat when he retired in 1955 after 33+ years working for the Federal Government. Ike Eisenhower had been recently elected and conservatives were finally hopeful that the long liberal years of Roosevelt and Truman had come to an end.
I remember asking my Father if we were Republicans or Democrats and he said something that I didn't really understand until now. "Son, he said, our government is so large it doesn't really matter who gets elected." So who did you vote for? I asked. "I would not have been able to keep my job if I had a voting record" he replied.
Dad died in 1970, and Mom told me he was a life long conservative, but that all the years he worked in government he never voted because he feared retaliation by the party in power at the time.
I went along and lived my life until Donald Trump stepped onto the national political stage. Finally, an outsider, wealthy enough to not be bribed, with no political favors to repay. Donald Trump is probably our one and only chance to save our country. I am dying, (well I guess we all are, but my end will come sooner than yours), I beg you to not let this opportunity slip through your fingers.
Got way more years behind me than ahead. Eisenhower was president when I was born. Warren G. Harding was president when my dad was born (died in 2012), and Grover Cleveland was in his first term for my Granddad.
My first cousin in his eighties now is as faithful a Christian man as I ever knew, but he always voted democrat including Barack Obama, and probably Biden. I never could square how a man of faith could vote for people that advocated for homosexuality, abortion and so many thing in direct contrast to a Christian life. But he worked for the Post Office all his life and that my have something to do with it, I don't know.