I now find it hard to believe that any so-called conflagration in the last 100 years ever had its origins in genuine geopolitical tensions, legitimate defence against bellicose invaders, little guys taking virtuous stands against dangerous tyrants etc. More likely all contrived rackets by War Inc financed on all sides by the same ‘enemy combatants’ who always stand to make like bandits, achieve Malthusian goals, satisfy ancient psychotic ritual blood lusts and other assorted miscelánea of the insane and the powerful.
I now find it hard to believe that any so-called conflagration in the last 100 years ever had its origins in genuine geopolitical tensions, legitimate defence against bellicose invaders, little guys taking virtuous stands against dangerous tyrants etc. More likely all contrived rackets by War Inc financed on all sides by the same ‘enemy combatants’ who always stand to make like bandits, achieve Malthusian goals, satisfy ancient psychotic ritual blood lusts and other assorted miscelánea of the insane and the powerful.