She bought Madonna tickets. {750$for 3 tickets} Firstly, she had the gall to ask me if I wanted to go. After I snidely asked if Madonna were aborting herself on stage as an encore, my wife got the picture that there's no way in hell I was going to go.
Between this and her frequent use of TikTok, the day to day war of mine has now threatened to sow the seeds of dissent in my home.
You and your wife will be in my prayers. Perhaps we can pray her into waking up. Those damn cell phones are an addiction that is worse than alcohol. I have a son who fact checks me with Google! He firmly believes Google is always right He is addicted to that blasted phone. I do understand. Also for encouragement...I have a friend who is a die hard conservative who used to be a staunch Democrat. She tells me at times how awful she used to be. Like reminding her husband to vote, just after the polls closed. I told her about this site, and she and her husband go to daily. There is always hope for our loved ones!
Do the closed internet test... Tell him to search something on goog and report how many results there are, claimed by goog. Then bet him the results actually end within 20-40 pages. Any topic. Lie #1. Then have him look up what won the 2015 Nobel prize in medicine, which is human medicine. And then he can look up how the WHO cured River Blindness in the Amazon (the official WHO report from years ago contains a passage on how safe IVM is and how it doesn't conflict with any other medicine and has no side effects). Lie #2. Why would they lie at all? Why would they lie about this? Who tells them what to hide or promote? (cf Twitter files)
If you get through all that maybe you can give him a link to an eye opening video like Out of the Shadows.
ya know, i just had this same convo with a friend about cellphones being the most addictive thing on the planet...if addicted to alc, gambling, whatever, you just don't go near it, but cellphones are a constant "siren's song", everywhere and invading our most private thoughts...
Thank you