I could be mistaken with all the content I consume, but I'm pretty sure I saw screenshots of Mohammed Bin Salman on the security tapes in the casino that night. Either in fall of the cabal or content like that etc.. Is my memory failing me?
Intra, you are correct. Prince Bin was there on a vacay; the clip that I saw was him dressed as a tourist(shorts, flip flops, etc.) being escorted through the Trop with armed security. Mindy Robinson did a very interesting documentary on the Route 91 Coverup; it's lengthy, but very informative & interesting. I believe Talal had ordered an assassination on Bin Salmaan while vacationing, but was tipped off by White Hats (Trump???). The conclusion I have yet to come to is Paddock...was he part of a gun-running sting operation (either on the good side or the bad). I do believe he was dead before the shooting/massacre began on the concert-goers. The FBI, local law enforcement tried very hard to convince people that the only shootings that occurred were from Mandalay Bay towards the concert, but I have listened to eyewitness accounts, 911 recordings with witnesses at numerous hotels/casinos on the both sides of the strip claiming shots fired....after the shooting stopped at the Concert.
I could be mistaken with all the content I consume, but I'm pretty sure I saw screenshots of Mohammed Bin Salman on the security tapes in the casino that night. Either in fall of the cabal or content like that etc.. Is my memory failing me?
Intra, you are correct. Prince Bin was there on a vacay; the clip that I saw was him dressed as a tourist(shorts, flip flops, etc.) being escorted through the Trop with armed security. Mindy Robinson did a very interesting documentary on the Route 91 Coverup; it's lengthy, but very informative & interesting. I believe Talal had ordered an assassination on Bin Salmaan while vacationing, but was tipped off by White Hats (Trump???). The conclusion I have yet to come to is Paddock...was he part of a gun-running sting operation (either on the good side or the bad). I do believe he was dead before the shooting/massacre began on the concert-goers. The FBI, local law enforcement tried very hard to convince people that the only shootings that occurred were from Mandalay Bay towards the concert, but I have listened to eyewitness accounts, 911 recordings with witnesses at numerous hotels/casinos on the both sides of the strip claiming shots fired....after the shooting stopped at the Concert.