I have a concept which I want to share for discussion
I'll call it the Pareto rule of repression, the idea that a certain threshold percentage of opinion must be in place before a repressive policy can be carried out and if that threshold is not met, the policy will be a failure.
For the purposes of explanation. I'll use 90% as an example of this threshold and demnstrate why the MSM and the narrative is so important
I'll also use vaxxed versus unvaxxed, although other differences could be used such as race, religion, or politics, support for foreign intervention etc.
The cabal as hoping to use the vax in order to lockdown society, remove dissenters and institute their "new normal" and they damn near succeeded, but they didn't..
In my opinion, they had camps built for vax refusers and they would have murdered us in the camps and blamed covid which would further that narrative.
I think the cabal did not reach the threshold of support they required, let's call it 90% where they could retain a functioning society while removing the unvaxxed. There were just too many of us and society would have collapsed without us, both politically and technologically. They need the higher fraction of society to carry out the repression on the lower fraction and if the ratio isn't high enough, the higher fraction do not do it.
The story Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift has a non emotive example of a societal rift where people are divided over which way up to eat their boiled eggs and they will go to war over it. My contention is that the Lilliput MSM and shadow government would need a threshold of let's say 90% of broad end egg eaters in a mixed society before they would repress the pointy enders and 75% just wouldn't cut it, the minions would not comply.
I think that we escaped vax tyranny and genocide because the unvaxxed had a high enough percentage that the cabal plan was just not possible and that white hat, anons and generally awake people tipped the balance.
It's all about the percentage, the MSM, manufacturing consent and narrative.
An awake population cannot be oppressed and would not oppress.
As someone who has always lived on the fringes and been a loner I have always distrusted "public opinion". When I saw what a big part it was playing in current events at first it mystified me but then I understood white hats needing to keep things as peaceful as possible for as long as possible. So I accept that building public opinion on an issue is important (but I'll never like it, just arrest the bad guys already.)
What you didn't add but I think implied with this theory is that the bad guys are just as much, if not even more, invested in keeping things peaceful while they kill us off as the white hats are at keeping us peaceful while we resist. I do believe that the people at the top truly are that cold and calculating that they see the whole of humanity as numbers. So it's good that they didn't get the percentage they were shooting for........... this time. But it's clear that they merely pause then ramp up to do it again, do it 'better' to raise that percentage to where they think they need it to be.
So knowing they will keep doing it to raise their numbers makes it imperative that WE understand how to push back so they never do get their percentage. Their rigorous attempts at censorship in the media and on the internet simply did not work. It was a dreadful failure. Truth leaked out all over the world. Their only remedy for this so far is more Disinformation Boards along with penalties. But that won't work now that so many are awake. This sounds sort of dramatic but we live in strange times, I think that in order for their plan to have any chance of getting to the pareto percentage they know they need they have to either wait for a couple of generations to die off and forget or outright start killing off all but the very young and pliable. Kudos OP, a very interesting way to be looking at all of this.
Oh I really agree with this. The cabal want to inherit a sparsely populated but working infrastructure, not a useless ravaged wasteland. They've thought that aspect through thoroughly and wanted to keep the death rate to the appropriate level to achieve that and to make sure that the population never caught on to the real cause.
IMO they have been rushed. They normally work very slowly, over generations so, yes, they change opinion over generations and inculcate the young.
Thanks fren!
Yes I am seeing it now that these narcissists are unwilling to give up any creature comforts for themselves as they annihilate us. Not only do they want to do it quietly, peacefully but I am realizing that they were planning to NEVER admit to the genocide even happening. What do you mean there are fewer people in this city? You are just crazy to think that.
I have long believed that the strategy central to Trump's war against them was rushing them into doing things before they were ready and then being there to meet them. They have been sloppy, unorganized and incompetent because they didn't get the decades they needed for the all important grooming steps, both for grooming their own puppets and the mass population. The Art of War has worked. They will keep coming at us because the agenda never changes but each time they reveal more of their hand making it less effective not more. What a dilemma for them!
When everyone is locked down in their houses and can't get local information then they can't know whether their neighbour has died or what caused it.
When everyone is locked down, their worldview can come only through the curated MSM.
Combat tactics Mr. Ryan!
This is why they key to winning is a great awakening, it almost seems too passive, but it isn't. Almost all cabal actions are carried out by non awake normies. It is the normies who have the real life skills to implement what the cabal wants and when a threshold percentage of awakened normies will no longer work for them then they lose.