I know this trans thing is being pushed on us, but consider what might be accelerating it. People want to identify with those who are privileged, have better opportunities, have more cultural moxie. For the last few decades women's "empowerment" has been pushed. There's preferential hiring of women, preferential acceptance into colleges. Boys are under attack in schools and in the culture. They're portrayed as rapists. "Women need men, like a fish needs a bicycle." What has this done to the psyche of boys?
I know this trans thing is being pushed on us, but consider what might be accelerating it. People want to identify with those who are privileged, have better opportunities, have more cultural moxie. For the last few decades women's "empowerment" has been pushed. There's preferential hiring of women, preferential acceptance into colleges. Boys are under attack in schools and in the culture. They're portrayed as rapists. "Women need men, like a fish needs a bicycle." What has this done to the psyche of boys?
I still got my $$$ on that it is too accept Big mike as the next dem nominee