Does this no oath on file thing have any teeth?
I keep seeing on bideo that a FOIA requested the oaths that most of the biden admin took thats supposed to be signed by a notary or whatever, and that there are none on file. Anyone know what thats about?
Boots on the ground in Ukraine is illegal. They don’t seeem to care. They do a lot of illegal shit.
Same for me, it’s taken me many year to discover we are the bad guys in most of these wars. We overthrow governments to install who we can control then when they serve no purpose we invade because omg the kids and muh democracy. Then the icing on the cake money machine goes brrrrrrrrrrr as we print billions to hand out for favors knowing that 10% or so will come back as political donations. We don’t spend our money and effort educating or making lives better. It’s gotta change the whole thing needs to be dumped on it’s head
Bet it's a lot more than 10%; most of CONgress are in on it.
i like the old one: if the opposite of pro is con then shouldnt the opposite of progress be congress