I’ve been watching the blue State and blue City destruction for some time, living in far Northern California USA myself. Where I live surrounded by conservative protected farming and plenty of water, I’m not worried on our own self efficient supply of most basic necessities. But most people I know keep stock anyway.
So I see where the calls to prep was most needed, and I fear if people haven’t done so already, it’s going to be too late.
Four of the five articles above are recent articles discussing stores shutting down, continually being looted, and all in DemoLib controlled cities in DemoLib controlled States.
The 1 article on New York is especially important about “illegals” brining back to the US, diseases like polio, that were pretty much wiped out 4-5 decades ago. And this is NOT an isolated US incident. Our brothers and sisters across the world, in every industrialized nation, are facing the disease returns. And through Liberal policies, will be facing the same blue State-like events with supplies/food that are discussed in the other 4 articles.
And there are a multitude of older articles like these and the ones detailing the “sudden accidental fires” at all of these food processing facilities and farms across the US, and then Anti-farming-if-not-green-Policies across Europe. Not to mention the 40+ bank collapses around the world. And for the US the failing of the US Dollar. So what does this all add up to?
Grapes of Wrath, Great Depression, French Revolution, Cold-War Communist-like food lines, Scarcity, famine, starvation, disease, fear and chaos, and violence. So sorry if this bursts any “conspiracy bubbles” but prepping is to prep for all of these things. And no matter “when” you think such things will happen. It’s to have the knowledge, enact what you know on prepping, and be ready for both nothing, and everything.
So if you or anyone in blue areas world wide don’t or didn’t see this coming, then above and other articles/data other Anons will link in this thread will be proof! Future Proves Past Anons. And the past warnings to prep and why, are about to come to fruition. And in some cities already, it’s there. A great video below from Truth Seekers for a lot of Anon 2+2s being tied together of unraveling US and world-wide events.
I pray God has some mercy, but for some or many, God will allow their end due to their choice not to wake up. God bless the Anons here and let them pass knowledge to all they can with your speed. For Where We Go One We Go All, together with you. In Christ’s name I ask, Amen.
I started prepping at the beginning of Covid. Water filter, canned goods, rice, flour, all sorts of food, two freezers in the basement. Some of the canned goods are getting on in years. I need to go through my stores of stuff and update, weed out. I worry most about the freezer items. Also, I heard of a place you can order stores of antibiotics. We’re good in the supplement department. Also,, can anyone recommend a book to have in hand for survival?
I'm curious what you're doing for gasoline. I haven't come up with what I'd consider a safe method to store enough gas for light use in either a vehicle or generator. Seems like asking for a problem to have a bunch of gas cans full in your garage. One or two, ok. But enough for an extended disruption and minimal usage? Not sure what to do there.
If you can still find one, look at older fuel oil tanks that were used for older type furnaces in the north. I still have one buried in the ground outside my house even though we've heated with propane and wood for the last 20 years. I'd bury one on your property and find a way to siphon the gas out when needed along with adding additive for keeping the fuel good. C foam or similar products.
Same here. We had up to six cans in the garage back when BO was in office. We would tank up car/truck as needed. This was more for dollar cost averaging the price of gas some what. Not the best plan, but we did it and would fill the cans as the price dropped.
I remember on my grandpa's farm, he had a gas pump. It was an old one like one would see at the gas station ⛽️. The fuel truck would stop by and fill up the tank every so often.
Now this is a totally impractical solution for someone in town or the suburbs, but causes me to wonder if farms can still do this. Does this become a barter situation with a farmstead in a SHTF scenario?
My mom heated her home with fuel oil. I know that this is not going to work as gasoline, but she would have the fuel truck out to her place in the country to fill up the tank every fall and maybe again in the winter depending on the severity of the winter. This kind of arrangement is still in place today.
Yes, you can still get fuel delivered. We own a small business and have 4 trucks on the road. We purchase a gasoline tank and a diesel tank, so our guys can fill up here and not waste a bunch of time at gas stations. (And also because I like having a bunch of fuel on hand, just in case... but of course the s will probably hit the fan the day before we are supposed to get re-fueled 🤣)
This is also nice when a hurricane is coming or there is a fuel shortage.
I store denatured alcohol. Shelf stable, lasts forever. Ymmv
concrete block storage containment with corrugated metal over the top.
Having the option for diesel makes sense, but diesel doesn't store well...it gets water in it and that is a big problem.