Fellow Anons, don't allow stories/videos like this to make us weak to go back on the Word of God. By allowing ourselves even to joke about it, we open ourselves to attacks and critiques.
No matter how accurate your thoughts are, or any data you find on a variety of topics, God tells us that all humans are created equally. We are all humans.
We are also instructed to love one another as Jesus loved us. Therefore, no matter how evil anyone might be, we must pray for them and love them. Pray for them to have the Light of God shone on them so that they can see the truth.
I would point us all to a verse in this situation and as we move forward, as I assume we'll keep seeing more videos like this as time goes on.
Romans 12:19
19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
We must leave the ultimate judgement up to Him and focus on living as the Bible tells us. Don't be weak to the easy response.
Fellow Anons, don't allow stories/videos like this to make us weak to go back on the Word of God. By allowing ourselves even to joke about it, we open ourselves to attacks and critiques.
No matter how accurate your thoughts are, or any data you find on a variety of topics, God tells us that all humans are created equally. We are all humans.
We are also instructed to love one another as Jesus loved us. Therefore, no matter how evil anyone might be, we must pray for them and love them. Pray for them to have the Light of God shone on them so that they can see the truth.
I would point us all to a verse in this situation and as we move forward, as I assume we'll keep seeing more videos like this as time goes on.
Romans 12:19 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
We must leave the ultimate judgement up to Him and focus on living as the Bible tells us. Don't be weak to the easy response.