Wow awesome stuff. I have believed the spirit of Christ animates Q for some time however u provide a lot of supporting things to go with that. Thanks fren
I believe Christ just spoke to 10 people and was able to create a perfect plan. That's why there are mistakes involved and they say stuff like on the move. We are human yet he is working through us. Slowly the plan has been gaining more pieces as he creates a new society and takes down the old guard. Your theory is interesting though
Thank you. Yes it’s a bit mind twisting, but one must ask. How did Q gain 6-7 years of perfect future information? Names, places, actual events and even near dates. It goes well beyond Game and String Rheiry or even AI capabilities. And I certainly don’t know anyone that owns a flux-capacitor nuclear Delorean. Do you?
Lol um let me go check my junk closest will get back to u on the flux capacitor lol 🤣😂🤣
So I admit all the science smart stuff u said goes way over my head. To answer how they would know. Couldn't the Jesus reveal this to them in the spirit. That's why this plan is awakening so many to Jesus, because it's his spirit guiding it. Just a thought. We are way more in agreement then most people so I take that as a win. Like I said I am just not smart enough to understand all that stuff u talked about so I can't say it's not true. Thanks for sharing though gonna pray on that
Wow awesome stuff. I have believed the spirit of Christ animates Q for some time however u provide a lot of supporting things to go with that. Thanks fren
I believe Christ just spoke to 10 people and was able to create a perfect plan. That's why there are mistakes involved and they say stuff like on the move. We are human yet he is working through us. Slowly the plan has been gaining more pieces as he creates a new society and takes down the old guard. Your theory is interesting though
Thank you. Yes it’s a bit mind twisting, but one must ask. How did Q gain 6-7 years of perfect future information? Names, places, actual events and even near dates. It goes well beyond Game and String Rheiry or even AI capabilities. And I certainly don’t know anyone that owns a flux-capacitor nuclear Delorean. Do you?
Lol um let me go check my junk closest will get back to u on the flux capacitor lol 🤣😂🤣
So I admit all the science smart stuff u said goes way over my head. To answer how they would know. Couldn't the Jesus reveal this to them in the spirit. That's why this plan is awakening so many to Jesus, because it's his spirit guiding it. Just a thought. We are way more in agreement then most people so I take that as a win. Like I said I am just not smart enough to understand all that stuff u talked about so I can't say it's not true. Thanks for sharing though gonna pray on that