I don't know what he looked like before so I can't say, but all the distraction of the clothes and hand waving may be to keep you from concentrating on the face.
For sure someone is thumbing their nose at the American people for being so guillable and thinking this fool was really elected.
What's he all dressed up for?
I don't know what he looked like before so I can't say, but all the distraction of the clothes and hand waving may be to keep you from concentrating on the face.
For sure someone is thumbing their nose at the American people for being so guillable and thinking this fool was really elected.
great point
And..........he's recovered from surgery very quickly. They took that big lump off his neck !!!
I am terrible at (re)finding videos, just… this pose is like a raccoon swaying in wind with bushes, trying to hide in plain sight.
Would someone please drive this dude home and tuck him into a nice, warm bed to recuperate?
He's saying wut wut because he's going to McDick's for a Happy Meal, being a good little boy
He was hospitalized for depression.
How did that big flipping Growth, TUMOR, third brain or what ever that shit was just magickly disappear?
His family is thrilled and will nurse him back to health: https://cdnn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/107877/44/1078774499_14:0:1000:620_1920x0_80_0_0_966901cffdfdb5c8543a6b68b5a34309.jpg
That's NOT Fetterman.
so easy but a caveman couldn't do it.
Good night everybody