John Coffee Hayes was one of the baddest motherfuckers to walk this planet. Courage and heroism was never the standard it was always the exception. Don’t let the mediocrity of degenerates take away from the absolute ironclad hero’s that have and do walk this earth.
The enemies and traitors within our country better hope civilized justice deals with their treachery and men like Jack Hayes won’t be needed, if not then there will be a day when our enemies will be met with the same savage brutality they use against us and they will be rooted out and slaughtered where they stand.
I knew a Texas Ranger too at one time.
He was humping the cop's wife that was my wife's co-worker, and lived around the corner from us.
Great guy.
Had his three kids from an ex-wife, and his new wife's three kids as well.
Oh, and when I lived north of Houston I could have sworn I remembered old Mattress as being a good buddy of the Bush clan.
John Coffee Hayes was one of the baddest motherfuckers to walk this planet. Courage and heroism was never the standard it was always the exception. Don’t let the mediocrity of degenerates take away from the absolute ironclad hero’s that have and do walk this earth. The enemies and traitors within our country better hope civilized justice deals with their treachery and men like Jack Hayes won’t be needed, if not then there will be a day when our enemies will be met with the same savage brutality they use against us and they will be rooted out and slaughtered where they stand.