the people who claim that its literally “violence” to call a man a man, even if he is a man…
are the same people who have no problems calling you a nazi, or fascist, or bigot, even if you don’t identify as such.
Its like they feel they have a monopoly on language, definitions, and labels, and can change definitions, or apply labels to whoever they want, for whatever reason they want.
So if you refer to a person with a penis as a male, you are committing an act of violence, because they don’t identify as a male,
and because you are committing an act of violence, that is used as an excuse to use violence against you.
And then they call you a nazi, bigot, fascist, etc, even though you don’t identify as such, and somehow their words are NOT violence, and NOT an acceptable reason to retaliate with your own violence?
You: correctly identify a male as a male, are labeled as a nazi, and subject to become the victim of violence.
Them: incorrectly label you as a nazi, and then use the “fact” that you are a nazi, to justify violence against you.
When someone calls you a nazi, fascist, or bigot, they are using dehumanizing language, which is a BIG RED FLAG for impending violence.
When you call a male a male, you are merely stating an irrefutable fact. And for that, you deserve to get punched
Its a technique of the left - thought terminating clichè I prefer to think of them as rabid foam-at-mouth goblin marxists. Mussolini would be insulted at how easily the fascist term is tossed out.🤌🤌
That's a great term! I've seen posts on here to the tune of "Oh a liberal called me a sexist, and I said 'yea what of it'".
The only way to combat a "thought terminating cliche" is to expect it, and ignore it, or in some cases, embrace it for comedic trolling effect.
Thats right. Mock them ruthlessly and own the stupid word
i'm not ANTI-vaccine,
i'm EX-vaccine!
I'm PRO-TransSocietalConservatism! "For a movement of society across to conservatism"
Going back to the basics, Latin and Greek words matter!?
Stop appropriating their cultures!!1 We gottem boize.é_please_familiarize/