I certainly don't know the circumstances of the shooting. The moronic grandson most likely doesn't either. And my heart pours out to the victim. Did the grandson receive a few pieces of silver to break the commandment for honoring thy father? Since it is a family matter, that 'honoring' would be silence in a situation like this. What a disgrace this child is. He has made the situation into a growing circus that now makes it nearly impossible for fair trial to occur without politicization. The 84 year old grandfather is already facing charges of a hate crime. The real hate crime exists with the intent of the grandson.
I certainly don't know the circumstances of the shooting. The moronic grandson most likely doesn't either. And my heart pours out to the victim. Did the grandson receive a few pieces of silver to break the commandment for honoring thy father? Since it is a family matter, that 'honoring' would be silence in a situation like this. What a disgrace this child is. He has made the situation into a growing circus that now makes it nearly impossible for fair trial to occur without politicization. The 84 year old grandfather is already facing charges of a hate crime. The real hate crime exists with the intent of the grandson.