Why do people say that 'those in power have to tell everyone what's going to happen before it happens or else it won't come true?' Assuming the cabal has been operating for hundreds of years, informing the world of their sinister plans hasn't always been possible. Maybe Bill Gates and his ilk simply think they are untouchable and can do/say whatever they want without repercussion?
There are rules that govern them. As long as the information is out there, even if it's obfuscated, it counts as giving humans a choice when an event happens.
True, this is like what happened with the plannedemic. PDJT first offered natural remedies like HCQ, Ivermectin, MMS, monocolonal antibodies etc. making 'emergency use" vaccines unnecessary and illegal. Still, he allowed the individual to also have the option of an experimental concoction injected, after they sign a warning letter.
Yes, there is absolutely a Satanic Bible. You can read up on satanism - which we should so that we understand what we're dealing with - and you will see what their rules are.
Don't know if you ever played Dungeons & Dragons, but by the D&D alignment chart these people are "Lawful Evil." That means yes, they're evil, but they have an organized hierarchy and do things according to their own certain rules/laws. They do that because it works for them and allows a bunch of monsters to get things done without killing each other on the spot.
Examples of Lawful Evil organizations are the Mafia in real life, or The Emperor/Darth Vader and the Empire in the OG Star Wars.
Why do people say that 'those in power have to tell everyone what's going to happen before it happens or else it won't come true?' Assuming the cabal has been operating for hundreds of years, informing the world of their sinister plans hasn't always been possible. Maybe Bill Gates and his ilk simply think they are untouchable and can do/say whatever they want without repercussion?
There are rules that govern them. As long as the information is out there, even if it's obfuscated, it counts as giving humans a choice when an event happens.
True, this is like what happened with the plannedemic. PDJT first offered natural remedies like HCQ, Ivermectin, MMS, monocolonal antibodies etc. making 'emergency use" vaccines unnecessary and illegal. Still, he allowed the individual to also have the option of an experimental concoction injected, after they sign a warning letter.
How do you know what their rules are? Is there a satanic bible or something?
Yes, there is absolutely a Satanic Bible. You can read up on satanism - which we should so that we understand what we're dealing with - and you will see what their rules are.
Don't know if you ever played Dungeons & Dragons, but by the D&D alignment chart these people are "Lawful Evil." That means yes, they're evil, but they have an organized hierarchy and do things according to their own certain rules/laws. They do that because it works for them and allows a bunch of monsters to get things done without killing each other on the spot.
Examples of Lawful Evil organizations are the Mafia in real life, or The Emperor/Darth Vader and the Empire in the OG Star Wars.
Interesting. Thanks for your answer.