39 This is going to be a hell of a week, literally. Big holidays for the satanists are looming. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by solo_verdades 1 year ago by solo_verdades +39 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
What am I even looking at? Links please.
Beltane. Be sure you look at the entire chart. https://www.theopenscroll.com/hosting/SatanicCalendar.htm
I second this motion.
Satanic holiday calendar.
Ughf all this is making me sick. I pray for a blessing of Light and Good and Forgiveness from the Lord upon the lost souls of our world.
Jesus certainly has had his work cut out for him, *biggest facepalm.*
Biggest oof was seeing the temple apparently sold out in tickets.
10 days, darkness??
Now how many years have they been saying that?
We may no know exactly what it refers to, or when it will occur, but it will happen at some point.
It refers to their satanic holiday called beltane. Look it up.
And this... https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/satancon-home
I saw that recently, but had forgotten about it. Thank you for bringing it to the Forefront again.