👀 For any Q doubters out there. PART 1
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People get downvoted every time this gets brought up, but it's objectively true; (x) anon has always been normal lingo on the chans. If there is a poster that gains notoriety from their threads, they will be called either (x) anon or (x) chan by other anons. Ex: Cracky-chan ChrisChan DarkAnon, FbIAnon, MegaAnon.
Calling Q "Q Anon" is typical chan lingo. It's weird that everyone freaks tf out about the "misnomer" I imagine it's because MSM started using the term doing hit pieces and turning everone off from the phrase.
Why did Vallely consciously correct himself by saying "Q... QAnon"?
I understand Chan culture and anon tagging, newfagging, lurk moar, bUt CaN u EvEn tRiFoRcE, etc. Strangely enough, it was always either "Q Clearance Patriot" or (mostly) just "Q" throughout the threads on the chans. Also, let's point out there was never a run of "QAnon sent me!" Twitter replies or #DoItQAnon hashtags.
So, regarding chan culture, Q was mostly an exception to this rule you're commenting on, until it went mainstream.