"Damn. My husband mentioned something about a cricket factory and how they're trying to get more people to be okay with eating crickets... Where exactly is he getting this information?? It must be the same online source as my husband." HOLY SHIT. It was on CBC, FFS! IMAGINE being this low-info!
🧠 These people are STUPID!

Insects contain a substance called “CHITIN” which cannot be properly digested by the human gut, but can possibly contribute to illnesses including cancer.
The WEF's propaganda promotes that humans and pets can live off insect diets, with mealworms (i.e. maggots, grub worms) floated as another delicacy alongside other insects, which are more “carbon-friendly” than traditional sources of protein. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-15-major-brands-quietly-slipping-insects-into-food.html
Numerous studies have stated that Chitin can be toxic to the human body and also eating bugs has a high chance of introducing parasites into the human body that should NOT be there. https://librti.com/view-video/chitin-in-bugs-and-what-it-can-do-to-the#dpr Humans may not be able to deal with parasites in insects.
These Hairworms Eat a Cricket Alive and Control Its Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB6O7jS_VBM&t=8s
The WEF will be sneaky in introducing bugs. Be suspicious if the ingredients say Cricket Flour, "Sustainable", etc.
Also, people who are allergic to shellfish may be allergic to bugs.