Even if physicians wanted to try to learn/practice/apply across different fields, there is also tremendous push-back from other specialists, and anyone who tries is mocked. In retrospect, the cabal trained docs this way so that one could never understand the full spectrum of illness and treatment because the docs are all walled off from each other.
After the first two years of medical school, all the training then becomes uber-specific to whatever field the med student wants to study. Yet another example of keeping us divided. The fault was built into the system. Thoughts?
Here's my experience. Have heart conditions so I was referred to the cardiologist, electrophysiologist, cardiac surgeon, etc. They are all associates in the same practice. Three doctors recommended I have 3 different procedures. So I said to them, knowing how stupid their recommendations were, how about I get the heart transplant now, and the next day you can do the pacemaker and the valve replacement. All ass backward. They just looked at me like.... they were actually considering this. (?)